
There is a range of what we mean by worship. As a parish we frequently take part in formal worship together, known as liturgy - an example of formal worship is the Mass. But we also gather together for times of informal worship in different prayer groups etc.

Each year the Church celebrates the rhythm of the seasons of the liturgical year – always the same, yet ever new and renewing. At the heart of this yearly cycle is the Sacred Liturgy, especially the celebration of the Mass, which is the source and summit of the Church's life.

Annually the Church immerses herself in the whole mystery of Christ, from the incarnation and birth until the ascension, the day of Pentecost, and the expectation of blessed hope and of the coming of the Lord. For more information on our times of more informal worship, please see our prayer & formation groups.

Liturgical Ministries

Many people are involved in the preparation and celebration of the Mass and other liturgies. Up front are readers and ministers of communion, musicians, singers and altar servers. Less high profile are the welcomers, collectors and children’s liturgy leaders and behind the scenes are the sacristans, flower arrangers, cleaners, bidding prayer writers to name but a few.

There’s something for everyone and if you’d like to be involved please download the Volunteering Form which gives more detailed information.

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