Request a Mass
Many parishioners like to have a Mass said for their personal intention or for a loved one who may be living or deceased. At the back of the church you will find a MASS INTENTION ENVELOPE. Please fill out the details requested clearly. You can also fill in the contact form on our contacts page. If the person you are having the Mass said for is deceased please indicate this clearly by putting RIP after the name. It is also very helpful if you put your own name down as the donor and your telephone number in case we need to make contact with you. Please give the envelope to one of the priests or post through the Presbytery letter box.
We endeavour to meet peoples’ requests for a particular day or time, but this is not always possible in a large parish. Due to the large number of intentions we also invite you to consider allowing your offering and intention to be sent to the Oversees Missions as a valuable support to poorer Church communities.
Occasionally we have to change an Intention at short notice and this is normally to accommodate Funeral Masses which have to take precedence.
It is customary to give a donation with any Mass intention request. They form part of a priest’s personal income.