Our Schools

“As far as possible parents have the right and duty of choosing schools that will best help them in their task as Christian educators” The Catechism of the Catholic Church.

We are very blessed with our Parish Schools, both located in The Upper Drive: Cottesmore St Mary’s Primary and Cardinal Newman Secondary. Both schools are very popular, and so parents must be attentive to the application procedures in plenty of time. We seek to build up strong relationships between Home – Parish – School as the three most important places of education of our young people.

Cottesmore St. Mary's  Primary:

This school is consulting on their Admissions arrangements for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please click here to access further information

Tel: 01273 555811  Email: office@cottesmore.brighton-hove.sch.uk
To view their Prospectus: www.cottesmore.brighton-hove.sch.uk/uploads/Prospectus/Cottesmore_Prospectus.pdf
School Website: www.cottesmore.brighton-hove.sch.uk

Cardinal Newman Catholic School:

Tel: 01273 558551  Email: reception@cncs.co.uk
School Website: www.cncs.co.uk/

For information on admissions process, please contact the school.